少妇杀手原名:Chick Magnet,
When freeloader Phil is tossed out by the love of his life, Jen, he stays with two old friends who come upon a magic ***** that guarantees them *** with all the women they can handle. The three losers have their lives upended as Phil's friends pursue a daily diet of Maxim models and close encounters with Hollywood's hottest-but Phil schemes to use the ***** to win back Jen. And...
披着**的鬼 2011-11-19
粗制滥造 没胸没笑料还算神马性喜剧
DJ-dumpling 2017-10-25
fight2010 2011-11-19
笑我痴 2011-11-25
棒棒 2012-02-25
三个吊丝的***** 好吧 除了衬衫没什么可说的嘛 多一颗星给中间出现的奥斯卡明星