一切安好原名:Everything Will Be OK,又名Все будет хорошо(俄)、きっと全て大丈夫(日)
Plot Keywords: Neurology | Psychology | Experimental Film | Surrealism | Dream Trivia Almost every scene in the short splits the screen up into multiple moving "windows". The whole movie and all of its special effects were photographed and carefully composited "in camera" - no CG was used in the production. Sound Mix: Dolby Digital Color: Color Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1 A series o...
chrissy 2009-08-29
Vini_Kazma 2012-04-18
Plot Keywords: Neurology | Psychology | Experimental Film | Surrealism | Dream
U 兔 2009-08-18
巨牛侠 2012-06-29
He met his ex-girlfriend during his lunch break and took a walk to the park, he noticed that every time he was near her, she sort of, moved away with a type of smile look in her face, as though everything were **. Bill thinks.
aboe 2009-07-28
sHIRO🩶 2013-05-06
****://***.tudou****/programs/view/WPdPKtJCYJ4/ 动画界的段子手啊
布拉德野蛮 2011-05-18
光 2013-11-20
挺喜欢这种风格的 ****://***.tudou****/programs/view/aaD1sb74P2w/