不可理喻之人原名:An Unreasonable Man,2006年纪录片、传记类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Henriette Mantel、Steve Skrovan执导,并由Henriette Mantel、Steve Skrovan任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位拉尔夫·纳德、帕特·布坎南、Howard Zinn等著名实力派明星加盟。于2006-01-24公映。
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists" In 1966, General Motors, the most powerful corporation in the world, sent private investigators to dig up dirt on an obscure thir...
NARUMI 2013-11-21
191206再来 190522 皮特森rule11之后的感想:自命为人类审判者的毁灭性灾难(@瓦尔加布等)171116 在**上看到 Nader已开始和Bill Maher一样关注动物权利的内容。131121 “人的理想”。 5❤不足以表达我的我的敬意。DO U WANT TO LEARN HOW TO BELIEVE OR DO U WANT TO LEARN HOW TO THINK?这种**以表达对现政权不满者与纳得尔共同之处在于吸引眼球、不被理解,且都忽视自己的物质生活。真是没必要 news.livedoor****/topics/detail/8990079/
伯樵·阿苏勒 2010-01-31
Sunny 2010-03-11
Controversial person. Admire his courage.
熊 2009-09-05
楚鱼 2010-05-03
**Pazu薯伯伯 2009-11-14
Eric 2013-05-31
Democracy has many gradations.
ellont 2021-08-26
又是一部让我非常emotional的作品。 一个充满信念感的人和他充满信念感的故事。 可惜的是,故事展示的是how democracies ***。 看到Bill Maher在节目上跪下来求Ralph Nader不要竞选,真是非常心酸。非常非常心酸。
mz 2013-11-24
Ralph Nader - "Defending democracy. Resisting corporate power."
🍄 2021-04-25
[remarkably unremarkable] wait y am i watching this? im overlooking the shadows. strong n courageous, feeling all kinds of love n light. could you just give a little bit ****? why would you go to places without taking me, *** the sum of ** days, nothing will be added to ** story. i wont feel pity for me anymore. im appalled n im disgusted....