无所不吃的男人原名:BBC The Man Who Ate Everything,
Andrew Graham-Dixon presents a personal profile of the legendary food writer Alan Davidson, one of the unsung heroes of the culinary world. Davidson's greatest work, The Oxford Companion to Food, took him 20 years to write. It's an encyclopaedia of everything a human being can eat, from aardvark to zucchini, all catalogued in 2,650 separate entries. But it is much **** than jus...
手指 2012-03-27
居然有炸叔呢。“三鞭酒”中文说着不奇怪,three *****就突然觉得....╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
弥呀 2012-05-25
怕看了舌尖上的中国之后有报复社会的冲动,于是看看英国佬拍的纪录片找心理平衡。片子一般,但是The Oxford Companion of Food这本书得读,而且知道了QI的**人原来是Alan Davidson的**粉。呃呃,看到three-***** wine的时候我的三观都碎成渣弃我而去了
ccinder橘躺平 2012-05-30
忽然很想看看The Oxford Comanion of Food了……
catloaf 2012-04-06
铭心 2012-08-27
flydutch 2012-06-05
@岂有此女 推荐的纪录片~ 想成为一个合格的饕客,不光要长着一副狗鼻子去寻找美味,还要有对**化,地方化包容的味蕾和心态~
井戒 2012-05-20
其实一般。一个人,一本书。书应该更值得一看。他们去中国为毛那么猎奇地吃穿山甲喝三鞭酒( ̄▽ ̄") 以及后面的trifle、面拖烤肉和腌鱼快有黑暗料理的影子了…
Lo 2012-01-05
Andrew Graham-Dixon这么浅的家伙也能在***混下去- -
united-ac 2012-03-15
***-4出品,节目内容对书(The Oxford Companion to Food)对人( Alan Davison)都比较泛泛而论,作为粉丝对偶像的致敬。Andrew至少还算有趣。我很喜欢结束辞。大意是,如果把品尝盛宴当做一次祭祀,那么刷碗就是"prepare for reborn"
🐧是นก 2017-11-15