别名:Photographer's Models
演员: Barbara Markham Ann Michelle Sheila Keith Penny Irving
更新时间: 01-22 09:04
资源状态: 可播放
鞭绳之屋原名:House of Whipcord,又名Photographer's Models
An old man who lives in an old house conducts a correctional institute for girls. But he does not realize that the date is the present as he's been cooped up in the house. He is assisted by a matron who likes to get the girls into trouble and present them in front of the old man who thinks he is the law and passes out punishment. Afterwards the girls are tied to a cross and whi...
Eden's Curve 2013-10-15
1080P,magnet:?xt=urn:btih:54610c0b220c11278075698039eddaf8ad01da2a& 中字https://douc.cc/3qJzKy
皮特沃克是***题材的重度爱好者。。 Sheila Keith是一位杰出的恐怖片女演员
Clash 2024-01-22
朋克大帝 2015-07-16
Revivable 2022-05-06
模特聚会爱作家,约完会后见**。 哪知归去是陷阱,只因**就被抓。 作家父母是**,开个**乱执法。 整院姑娘被算计,犯事三次就被杀。 模特逃出遇司机,**寻医把车搭。 阴差阳错回**,折腾半天苦哈哈。 司机看报识**,室友得知来寻她。 身陷囹圄被暗算,老妇发疯乱刀插。 男友携警终赶到,满院姑娘救回家。 遗憾模特被绞死,瞎眼法官心也瞎。
琧婯 2010-12-13
画面很****女囚片外表下的**恐怖片 bleak and cold 有鞭子有**但是不卖色 以我之法律宣告**者的** 吊死她!
*川 2024-06-07
四条鱼 2018-01-07
仙仙 2020-07-23
女主太惨了 好不容易逃出来又被送回去
UlyssesJo 2020-05-31