Sweat is the story of an afternoon of debauchery and intrigue as Simon takes leave of his senses and heads for a sauna. Negotiating the humiliating locker room strip where he inadvertently injures a fellow punter, he forges his first impromptu introduction to a handsome man called Tim. Nerves prohibit normal conversation as they share an empty sauna and both of the attractive m...
蘇小北 2011-12-04
Dear Morie 2011-06-21
我只是试着想让自己自己放纵 在迷乱的恍惚中忘记 但即使是用***都赶不走那该死的清醒 我不知道自己想要什么 但我知道自己不想再要那些从前的过往了
▲ 2014-01-21
打少 2012-12-15
the face, the body, the accent. killer combination.
掩杀 2012-01-17
One Day 2012-02-01
故事讲的是:一个失恋的男人 (***)第一次来桑拿房蒸桑拿,发现这里到处有“牛郎”。偶遇帅哥,不了了之。应该可以通过国内的**。
过把瘾就死 2011-09-23
When_We_**** 2014-11-27
mr win 2011-05-13
**这么久,邂逅数次。 最后**是。。。让你享用安全***。。。 so funny
Kevin 2011-09-27
最后那个便条上写的 Call me Tx.. Tx short for Tim or Thanks? Tim给他留的号码?