这里面的成年**多都面目可憎,他们身为racist,bigot,nazi,homophobic不仅不自知,还怪受害者行为不检点激怒凶手。They made a murder victim the cause of the murder.
帕特里克 2020-03-16
配着salamon的the life and death of latisha king
** 2014-02-27
Are you really surprised by this? 纪录片的导演Cunningham问在场的观众。 你以为仅仅是一个小男孩的错误吗?这个悲剧是一个社会对特定团体的偏见和歧视的直接映射。这个社会不改变,这样的悲剧每天都在以不同的方式重演。
juice 2013-04-28
very thought-provoking and multi-dimensional, ***** film
Orchid 2013-11-18
來 生 2013-10-09
A very decent documentary where you can see both sides of the story and different perspectives. At the end of the day, however, it's always the stupid adults who should be blamed.
OreoEmpanada 2014-05-29
寒夜常梦见 2014-05-10
valentine road和 Brandon 毕业留影都是泪点
headradio 2013-12-16
这里面的成年**多都面目可憎,他们身为racist,bigot,nazi,homophobic不仅不自知,还怪受害者行为不检点激怒凶手。They made a murder victim the cause of the murder.
帕特里克 2020-03-16
配着salamon的the life and death of latisha king
** 2014-02-27
Are you really surprised by this? 纪录片的导演Cunningham问在场的观众。 你以为仅仅是一个小男孩的错误吗?这个悲剧是一个社会对特定团体的偏见和歧视的直接映射。这个社会不改变,这样的悲剧每天都在以不同的方式重演。
juice 2013-04-28
very thought-provoking and multi-dimensional, ***** film
Orchid 2013-11-18
來 生 2013-10-09
A very decent documentary where you can see both sides of the story and different perspectives. At the end of the day, however, it's always the stupid adults who should be blamed.
Bukowski的猫 2017-02-16
On people's intolerance on LGBTQ