HIV: The Musical在线观看和下载

HIV: The Musical(2009)

演员: Martin Freeman Julian Barratt




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《HIV: The Musical》相关推荐

五号路口 琳娜·海蒂、马丁·弗瑞曼 7.8
问题先生乌尔曼 马丁·弗瑞曼、汤姆·霍兰德尔 7.5
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12

《HIV: The Musical》剧情内容介绍

《HIV: The Musical》


HIV: The Musical

James(Martin Freeman饰)写了一部关于***的正经话剧。Myles(Julian Barratt饰)把它改成了一部华丽丽的*** Musical。

兮称 2010-08-17

阿花被欺负,阿福你在哪啊呜呜 ~T.T~

爱未未未来 2010-11-10

“It's set in Africa!" 欸呦哟,小自由你没救了

突然粉碎 2012-03-23


FÉLIN 2012-02-03

花生:"who are you?"小基:"Jolin"~另,其实小自由挺适合演基佬的应该去试试!

皂湯 2010-11-11

才发现Julian的肚腩好大啊...而且到底是谁tag的无处不在矮胖子啊gah c:

u1s1 2010-08-10


桑下 2012-01-21

"I'm not ***." "So, what's your problem?" haha~Brilliant~Back to the main theme, this short film is soooo educational and super depressing. It's thought provoking and accomplishes what it sets out to do. And Martin's face is cute.

阿暖 2012-01-25

潮爷太悲剧了= =这个角**较贴近本人吧。

一瓶子蕨 2012-02-07

Aha-ha! not that funny though, but look at his FUNNY LITTLE BRAINS! one extra star for #Martin Freeman#

yoko 2012-06-04

潮爷*装秀……没听懂几句一 一【bemicmpe】