a couple killing a bunch of innocent girls for no reason.
沧海一桑 2018-05-22
**波拿巴 2024-08-27
lillian 2013-04-13
this movie is as horrible as can be, its totally wasting time watching it. A group of teens got hunted and killed in sequence by two perverts, and that's all.
toishiki 2013-03-14
可以给零分吗.....这**是我看过最难看的惊悚片......所以摄影很糟糕啊有必要什么都给特写吗 故事没主线 角色没突出 演技差评 所以三倍速看完了只知道最漂亮的不会死 所以我们都会死
不改色 2017-06-12
神马玩意啊。一群**被一个男人毫无理由地追杀,竟然只知道跑!还** 围着**跑。智商为零,动手能力为零,自救能力为零,这哪是美国姑娘啊简直就是**集群。
Excellent 2013-09-27
a couple killing a bunch of innocent girls for no reason.
沧海一桑 2018-05-22
**波拿巴 2024-08-27
lillian 2013-04-13
this movie is as horrible as can be, its totally wasting time watching it. A group of teens got hunted and killed in sequence by two perverts, and that's all.