比尔·马厄:但我没有错原名:Bill Maher... But I'm Not Wrong,
Bill Maher's ninth stand-up special airs 13 Feb on ***. In the special, Maher's going to address whether the "***** Recession" is really over; the fake patriotism of the right wing; what goes on in the mind of a terrorist; why ***** needs a posse instead of the secret *******; the drug war; Michael Jackson; getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan; racism; the Teabagger movement; re...
bayer04 2013-05-05
青山眉黛 2014-03-17
#偶尔文艺# 073 4.5 前半程宗教政治梗都好辛辣。**党选了玩具总动员的牛仔,两次! 哈哈哈。小树林下台之后笑料确实少了不少嘛,还好有佩林及时跟上弥补不足!不过身为大左派他怎么歧视女性咧~
晓口袋 2015-02-17
林晚夕 2013-12-08
NARUMI 2013-10-07
210414 刚看中尉被警察拘 就看见彪马叔15min?左右的名句——“Yeah, we love the troops the way Michael Vick loves dogs” 39min 彪马叔讽刺白人保守党怀念50s好时光及错误地归因于欧巴马左翼窃取了政权与“*******”,类似于齐泽克谈nazi假设***等外族人窃取了本地人的乐 191108复习 190603 将皮特森12rules及n1文法习惯建立后的想法: 当年自己对**级人物的学习
脱*核糖十三 2014-12-22
在宗教和種族問題上不留一點兒情面,語氣中都帶著荒誕嘲諷與不屑。剛開始特受不了這種態度,但又毫無反駁的餘地。就算你覺得他再過份再冒犯甚至是歧視,but he is not wrong.
artoo 2010-02-25
thomas jefferson lived in america,mark twain~,billie holiday~,frank llyod wright~……~~~donna the quran~~~muslim ****
杰拉奇 2013-07-07
UglY_MoNey 2015-10-11
复印 2019-11-04