首次登顶原名:First Ascent,
The first ever ropeless climb of Yosemite’s sheer 2000 foot Half Dome. The longest base jump ever achieved, from the infamous Eiger Nordwand. A trajic expedition to the lost peaks of Western China. These are just a few of the amazing feats and personal journeys featured in the First Ascent Box Set. First Ascent is Sender Films groundbreaking 6 part series that takes you to the ...
forcode 2012-08-29
First Ascent看得我手心脚心冒汗!
宙风 2012-02-05
This guy is mentally strong...
Dorr 2013-08-09
Alex Honnold,Sean Leary,Chris Sharma,Dean Potter,他们的理念秉性都给我带来很大的改变。
Welf 2011-04-10
barrstroud 2018-04-23
那个Sherpa ****率领在泰国海攀也太特么美了呜呜呜 暴风向往 明天接着看
番茄桥蛋 2013-04-17
教练对我们说:这是我们的目标。。(全部倒吸一口气) 。。。不过攀岩感觉确实很赞~
ziebfb 2015-12-12
中间有一个***乱入,扶额。。。另外06年的片子画质真差,片子里也没有alex honnold,而且那时候他还没有名扬四海,所以图片那里都是他是怎么回事!!!
ming6 2021-05-29
汐颜 2021-07-22
猪油葱饼多点油 2021-01-28