it ain't that easy to make a ***** show,that's why we should appreciate not only the cast but also the producer,writer,the whole crew.and that's also why i like to learn the background.Last,all the honor to Lorne Michaels!SNL can't be so ***** without you!
指定能程** 2012-03-08
黄青蕉 2013-12-30
好多黑历史= =+凭着真爱再次*看完毕
momo 2012-02-27
居然把一整集*听下来....... SNL真的太棒了,好感动。
抖啊抖 2012-06-03
Bèn 2012-02-26
it ain't that easy to make a ***** show,that's why we should appreciate not only the cast but also the producer,writer,the whole crew.and that's also why i like to learn the background.Last,all the honor to Lorne Michaels!SNL can't be so ***** without you!
扶栏者Y 2013-12-30
jo 2011-12-20
it's a platform,it's a battle,it's a home,it's a dream,it's saturday night live
谁家的糖不甜 2013-01-15
S36 Backstage Special 每一场精彩纷呈的show背后有无数人的辛酸史,大家都不容易
Iberian 2011-12-23
pajas 2014-06-19
30 Rockefeller Plaza, center of NYC!