《Savage Garden - Superstars and Cannonballs: Live and on Tour in Australia》下载资源
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《Savage Garden - Superstars and Cannonballs: Live and on Tour in Australia》
Savage Garden - Superstars and Cannonballs: Live and on Tour in Australia
大使 2010-08-03
I wanna stand with you on a mountain I wanna bathe with you in the sea I wanna lay like this forever,until the sky falls down on me
伊蒂克 2010-05-12
看得我都快飙泪了~~~我那一去不复返的Savage Garden和少女**...
索斐锡夕 2017-10-07
they were ** early '00s...我记得第一版con我还是在电驴上下载到的,omg,今天翻出来看发觉daniel jones真是hot到没话说。
⠀ 2021-01-08
“因为是Savage Garden”,所以五星是必然的。舞台效果和*装没什么好说的,就那样吧hhh Daz也不会跳舞,只能瞎晃悠这样~主要是歌好听+唱功在线呐,人家live降调,他live第二段主歌升调****和女伴唱的互动真的喜感,一点不魅惑
pinkfox 2013-03-07