厄舍古屋原名:House of Usher,又名House of Usher
Victor Reynolds arrives at the notorious House of Usher, whereupon he is greeted by old acquaintances Roderick and Madeline Usher and their servant, Uphoff. As Victor uncovers **** about the history of the house and the disappearances of those that entered it previously, he begins to realize that he is in mortal danger.
赛巴斯帝安 2011-04-26
瓜 2011-02-13
XU 2010-03-21
这个cult director David Decoteau太绝了,不仅能不停的拍**片还能保证每部片子里都有不会演戏但美得惊人的模特……我前段时间看了个片段还在惊叹怎么这么美的2人(其中一个是内衣模特)能拍出这么烂的吻戏,原来就是你导的 = =
ryan 2010-06-07
烂片在不断突破下限啊... 配乐吵死人了 结尾还要扭曲一下.. 什么 还是小说改编? 一开始看还以为是软** 接吻都要拍5分钟 但身材那么好又没有正面** 真是无论从哪种角度看都烂啊.. 我都不好意思说我看过这部..
Yvonne雁 2009-08-12
一点都不恐怖的哇 两男主还蛮***,最后结局倒是小吃一惊
叉烧亲妈 2011-05-13
it's so bad i couldn't stop laughing.