BBC 被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔原名:BBC Horizon The Lost Pyramids Of Caral,
The magnificent ancient **** of pyramids at Caral in Peru hit the headlines in 2001. The site is a thousand years older than the earliest known civilisation in the Americas and, at 2,627 **, is as old as the pyramids of Egypt. Many now believe it is the fabled missing link of archaeology - a 'mother ****'. If so, then these extraordinary findings could finally answer one of the...
DC 2010-06-05
|大屁狗。| 2013-08-18
最初假想 战争是社会社区形成的推**—贸易的推论貌似也有点牵强啊 - -
Gray Wizman 2014-02-20
***** things can come from peace.
江水为竭 2020-08-18
Buzzzzzzz 2012-05-02
西江 2024-03-30
后半部分不错,前段部分没啥意思。有幸看到真正的Caral遗迹,感谢Floro开车五小时带我从Lima前往北部Caral。看完纪录片感叹自己的一生在历史长河面前的短暂。***** things can come from peace!! Make love, not war.
shen.yanigans 2014-12-01