犀牛之眼原名:Rhinoceros Eyes,
"Rhinoceros Eyes" is a darkly humorous coming-of-age tale about Chep (Michael Pitt) a reclusive young man, who gets comfort from the movies and his vivid imagination. When Fran, (Paige Turco) walks into the prop house where he lives looking for unusual objects, Chep immediately develops a crush. Obsessed with her *** designing movie sets, Fran insists that each prop be the real...
UrthónaD'Mors 2009-07-29
年逝 2013-01-03
一通疯狂怪诞阴暗之后,居然是***的爱**!!Gale Harold就是专职出场炫帅的么!!也太迷人了吧!!最后的那个旋转木马太美好了!
cody 2010-09-22
对比下boardwalk empire 我觉得pitt越长越像小李了....
脱*核糖十三 2016-02-08
好演员可以用手部表达情绪,Michael Pitt可以直接用手指塑造角色。
生抽 2010-12-23
王真 2011-01-30
1 fucked up movie with a happy ending, can u believe that? really like the mask tho, perfect for the nerve. made ** night, not bad.
Kimiphilic 2013-10-25
完全我的菜 怪异荒诞小血腥但又有些可爱 长发美少年演技太赞!
不高兴** 2010-08-08
很深沉的片子,看得不是很懂。。。 大叔展现了另一面,跳舞那段老可爱的,萌死我了~~谁说大叔不会跳舞的!!
unundercooled 2012-07-18
松鼠 2016-06-23
chep演员太赞!柔弱、恐惧、怪异或童真都演绎得恰到好处~gale 温柔得想让人隔着屏幕摸摸头。