"There's no adventure. There's no romance. There're only desire and trouble. And the funny thing is when you desire something you immediately get in trouble, and when you're in trouble, you don't desire anything at all."
"There is no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire. And the funny thing is, when you desire something you immediately get into trouble. And when you're in trouble you don't desire anything at all."
鬼腳七 2018-01-09
文森特九六 2017-08-14
合纥 2018-03-05
小成本的美国片,结局稍弱了点,不过整个过程还是挺幽默和欢乐,美式的个性喜剧。I can't stand the quiet!
品客 2017-09-12
烧炭小五郎 2008-05-25
kylegun 2013-07-04
paradiso 2013-05-28
“没有冒险和浪漫,有的只是麻烦和**”。导演被新浪潮**但有点缺乏深度好在**得不讨厌。弟弟像马特狄龙和Franco混合体。马丁戏份少。亮点必须是合着SY的Kool Thing跳舞的3分钟长镜头
浮云客 2014-12-23
"There's no adventure. There's no romance. There're only desire and trouble. And the funny thing is when you desire something you immediately get in trouble, and when you're in trouble, you don't desire anything at all."
洛 2018-12-16
Siglinde 2014-11-24
"There is no such thing as adventure. There's no such thing as romance. There's only trouble and desire. And the funny thing is, when you desire something you immediately get into trouble. And when you're in trouble you don't desire anything at all."