诈骗:麦道夫与美国骗局原名:Ripped Off: Madoff and the Scamming of America,
The 2008 collapse of the American economy wreaked havoc on the American people. While the stock ****** imploded before them, some investors were devastated by a far **** trusted source. See the personal chaos brought onto individual investors by Bernie Madoff, a popular and trusted investor from middle-class Queens, New York – and alleged Ponzi schemer – as experts dissect his ...
bugz 2010-02-10
美国华尔街最大的**案,Bernard Madoff作为纳斯达克的主席设置的这个**,总共骗取了大约648亿美元的资金。他虽然不是最早发明这种**融资的手法,但他无疑是金额最大的一个。美国股市约每20年会有一次暴跌,投资者要十分小心了。
蓝蓝路 2018-09-08
https://***.***********/watch?v=AO4CIPuaTJ4 准备二刷
Mr. L 2017-10-13
最夸张的是承诺的回报居然显得很合理,避开了很多聪明人的怀疑,总是能够给他人以及时的答复,总是让人觉得亲切而值得信赖,想尽**办法混迹于精英圈层,所有报表全是假的,Norman Braman的那段很精彩,费城鹰队的曾经所有人,如此精明的犹太****上了麦道夫的当。Sensational。正直最重要。
黑鸟李** 2017-05-28
Winona_K 2014-03-14
阿中 2017-10-03