The Many Lives of William Klein在线观看和下载

The Many Lives of William Klein(2012)

演员: Alan Yentob William Klein




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《The Many Lives of William Klein》


The Many Lives of William Klein

William Klein has lived many lives. One of the world's most influential photographers, he pioneered the art of street photography and created some of the most iconic fashion images of the 20th century. He also made over twenty films, including the first ever documentary about Muhammad Ali and a brilliant satire of the fashion world, Who Are You Polly Magoo?  With a major Tate Mo...

ζωήιδ 2017-06-09


kulilin 2015-02-02

疾走 2013-08-17

He's such a naughty and honest child. Love him. Respect.

Callvados 2016-10-20

你所要做的就是甩这个世界一脸Who ** cares? 老头年轻时候比模特都酷都帅,摄影课观影系列

yasi 2016-06-28

看他说话真有意思。年轻时竟然师从Fernand Léger,给vogue拍的那些fashion photos也太棒了(拍的那么好是因为he doesn't care! ) 还拍过阿里的纪录片和反战电影,Chris Maker说单独看他电影里的镜头都像是在看他拍的照片

1521_ 2024-05-27


Shah ོ 2015-01-10


unundercooled 2015-01-12


何斯召 2021-01-09

没中文字幕,冲着对老爷子的爱看完的…累死… 原本在读Daido,Daido说我爱William,于是来看William,William说我师父是Fernand,巧的是Fernand的《机械芭蕾》我已经瞻仰过了。 说来说去,真羡慕二十世纪这群人啊。William Klein is one of the last survivors of a generation who shaped the art of 20th century photography. 印象最深的是老爷子把胶卷往他从Cartier那儿买的二手相机里一装,说:I have film,I'm ready to go!

壳子里 2020-08-19

一只始终热爱巴黎,一直在容忍纽约的可爱老头子。有着敏锐的观察力以及精致的阐释力。如果说中年的他还是一枚魅力四射的优雅绅士摄影师,那么晚年的他看上去就是一位懒散口无遮拦的街道**狂,but still,attractive。