

演员: 杰瑞米·艾恩斯




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一言不发 Marcello Magni、Pat Kinevane
3. Rockaby/
6. Footfalls/ 11-01
7. The Dream/ 11-24
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 02-01
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




俄亥俄即兴原名:Ohio Impromptu,

Beckett on Film  Ohio Impromptu, written in 1980, opens with a figure clad in black with long white hair hiding his face and sitting on a white chair at a white *****. There are two characters, the Reader and the Listener. The Reader, it emerges, is a mysterious messenger from someone now dead and once loved by the Listener. The book the Reader reads from tells the story of the ...

半个半 2008-10-11

I could listen to this voice day and night, forever.

流转的往事 2012-01-12

nothing is left to tell 自己从悲伤中解脱。PS Jeremy irons的声音真温柔

橙子换马甲 2006-12-07

开头的远景没看出演员,只听到让我无限心痒的声音,那么迷人那么熟悉。第一个猜测是AR,但不太像,而且他应该不会在这个系列里拿到两个片,慢慢的慢慢的终于想到,Jeremy Irons!镜头拉近,确定……天呐,从前怎么没注意到他的口**声音都那么美,完全的出戏,看了两遍都听不懂……嗯,其实是英文太烂啦

Sylvia 2021-01-20

不是很喜歡電影的panning shots,但是劇本本身很有意思,捕捉到了閱讀並不是一個線性的,流暢的過程,頁面其實是一個有relief的structure,有一些點突然抓住了我們,讓我們想要receive **** of its impression,然後劇的過程像是慢慢地folding in onto itself,不斷延伸的mirror hall和doubles

danzhu 2007-08-18

单为了Jeremy Irons的声音我也打五分。

LightenU_Rita 2007-03-30

High culutre,so hard for me to understand. Watch it only because of Jeremy Irons

生鹘 2022-12-11

"Nothing is left to tell."

晃** 2010-12-28

"Nothing is left to tell"

P君、 2022-08-02

什么视*有声书x 书的内容似乎也没什么情节 敲桌停顿的时机也意味不明 JI这个造型就很时间机器( 总之完全没有看懂

Lisabracadabra 2013-04-02

关于文本,wiki有比较详尽的介绍和解读,尤其Biographical Insights那一节很有趣(****://en.wikipedia****/wiki/Ohio_Impromptu)。 短片里铁叔一人分饰两角,瞬间让人想起Dead Ringers有没有。。