音乐很赞,**经典老摇滚!Because the driver is unable to fulfill correctly his order to kill somebody, he and his friends have to pay the price. "Alabama" is a road-movie. The camera is constantly in the back of the car shooting through the back window...
喜欢。Robby Müller, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stone......(吐个槽要是正版是不是要付很多版权费?)
密谋小** 2018-12-21
很喜欢的一个场景,黑暗中仍有几点光源,直到镜头口径完全缩小,配乐放着滚石的carry the lantern high。这种光芒性的意向让这个死亡场面多了一种对抗或通向彼端的含义。
zxh 2023-10-20
无可食用 2021-07-24
至此文德斯创作生涯中的重要母题之“公路”以及他对于原声带的好品味已然确立。片**现的七首歌分别为: The Wind Cries Mary-Jimi Hendrix; No Expectations-The Rolling Stones; Good Times, Bad Times-The Rolling Stones; All Along The Watchtower-Bob Dylan; The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest-Bob Dylan; All Along The Watchtower-Jimi Hendrix; The Lantern-The Rolling Stones
stknight 2013-11-03
音乐很赞,**经典老摇滚!Because the driver is unable to fulfill correctly his order to kill somebody, he and his friends have to pay the price. "Alabama" is a road-movie. The camera is constantly in the back of the car shooting through the back window...
Line 2015-09-04
Trillian 2019-02-15
ici 2015-03-05
羊王 2019-07-26
喜欢。Robby Müller, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stone......(吐个槽要是正版是不是要付很多版权费?)
密谋小** 2018-12-21
很喜欢的一个场景,黑暗中仍有几点光源,直到镜头口径完全缩小,配乐放着滚石的carry the lantern high。这种光芒性的意向让这个死亡场面多了一种对抗或通向彼端的含义。
zxh 2023-10-20
无可食用 2021-07-24
至此文德斯创作生涯中的重要母题之“公路”以及他对于原声带的好品味已然确立。片**现的七首歌分别为: The Wind Cries Mary-Jimi Hendrix; No Expectations-The Rolling Stones; Good Times, Bad Times-The Rolling Stones; All Along The Watchtower-Bob Dylan; The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest-Bob Dylan; All Along The Watchtower-Jimi Hendrix; The Lantern-The Rolling Stones
刘德龙 2017-02-19