别名:One Candle, Two Candles
演员: Enwer Shekhani Katrin Ender Hisén Hesen
上映时间:2014-02-21(美国) / 2014-11-28(伊拉克)
一支蜡烛,一对蜡烛原名:Yek Momik, Du Momik,又名One Candle, Two Candles
In a society where family honor plays an important role and forced marriages remain the norm, what happens to a teenager who refuses to give in to a husband thrice her age? A young girl (Viyan) is forcibly given to a wealthy elder businessman (Haji Hemmo). When she runs out of the bedroom and climbs a tree, refusing to sleep with him, the respected elder looses face and becomes...
胤祥 2013-02-01
#第三届北京**电影节# 拒婚新娘,呵呵呵的家庭情节剧