Edison Manufacturing Company。One of the earliest popular genres of publicly exhibited movies consisted of footage of well-known dancers of the 1890s.
Panda的影音 2021-10-17
阿里公主 Princess Ali (1895):https://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNDMzMzAwNjk2
仙女隹鸲* 2022-01-31
莫呼洛迦莫呼洛迦揭谛摩诃莫呼洛迦莫呼洛迦揭谛摩诃~唱惜色歌 摩登伽女正是我
光 2013-11-04
bOingbOing 2021-06-03
https://youtu.be/m5tdm0e9L5I 修复后的观感好些
河原宏 2012-12-17
小稻 2020-05-08
6.0,的确像是男的啊😂 Princess Ali, of Barnum and Bailey's circus, performs an Egyptian dance in the Edison Company's studio. As she dances, some musicians perform in the background to provide accompaniment.
Kevin 2021-09-05
爱迪生黑***电影工作室(Black Maria Studio)。公主不是很开心的样子。
生命 2015-02-23
Princess Ali of Barnum and Bailey's circus, poor girl, she didn't know.
stknight 2012-10-09
Edison Manufacturing Company。One of the earliest popular genres of publicly exhibited movies consisted of footage of well-known dancers of the 1890s.
Panda的影音 2021-10-17
阿里公主 Princess Ali (1895):https://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNDMzMzAwNjk2
仙女隹鸲* 2022-01-31
莫呼洛迦莫呼洛迦揭谛摩诃莫呼洛迦莫呼洛迦揭谛摩诃~唱惜色歌 摩登伽女正是我
光 2013-11-04
bOingbOing 2021-06-03
https://youtu.be/m5tdm0e9L5I 修复后的观感好些
河原宏 2012-12-17
小稻 2020-05-08
6.0,的确像是男的啊😂 Princess Ali, of Barnum and Bailey's circus, performs an Egyptian dance in the Edison Company's studio. As she dances, some musicians perform in the background to provide accompaniment.
Kevin 2021-09-05
爱迪生黑***电影工作室(Black Maria Studio)。公主不是很开心的样子。
生命 2015-02-23
Princess Ali of Barnum and Bailey's circus, poor girl, she didn't know.
甜 2024-11-28