爱坡比先生的有序世界原名:"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby,又名The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby
Mr. Appleby's antique shop is losing money, because he is so fond of the best items that he refuses to sell them to anyone. A representative from a supplier visits the shop, and tells Appleby that he must pay his bill within two weeks, or else the supplier will reclaim his inventory. Appleby's wife has a moderate endowment, but she will not **** him, so he kills her and makes i...
宝黛 2014-07-17
夏天西瓜 2011-12-12
」Jiang「 2015-02-11
2015.2.11 22:04 正如希区柯克所说,“爬的越高,跌得越惨”。意外中的意外。恋物癖的男人真可怕。***不是好惹的。哈哈!
Indecent time 2018-08-31
以好不以新 2018-11-11
《希区柯克剧场》S01E29《The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby》三星半。前半部分很平庸,结尾双重反转太猛。想她死死不了,不想她死的时候恰恰不幸死去。
ReMinD 2024-02-25
woniu2048 2019-04-13
Boschugo 2024-08-07
Orbiu 2022-07-31
艹,太绝了,不愧是希胖! “每个孤独的男人总有不能再承受孤独的时候”,乐了!
Columbo 2012-01-28
最后的双重逆转真精彩!原作者Stanley Ellin共为本剧担任八集编剧,其中最著名的应该是第五季的Specialty of the House,这个桥段后来被多次效仿。