大海之梦原名:Carnal Cruise,
Is about a husband and wife’s attempt to rekindle some fire and passion back into their marriage. They decide to take a cruise, the classic last attempt for many desperate couples. While we see the couple slowly fall apart, the movie flashes back to how they met and fell in love. She was a nurse on a hospital ship in the Vietnam War and he was a wounded pilot. Her memories of t...
寒狐居士 2018-06-27
短脚猫 2021-12-10
rl 我还以为是文艺片,结果...
西登 2011-05-31
女主角是要有多爱男主角给她念那段句子呦…… 女主角的胸长的好美。
阿紫仙儿 2011-08-06
爷傲灬奈我何 2011-04-03
麋鹿森林覆盖率 2011-05-12
Monika.M 2020-01-07
衡量是不是好的***,气氛营造得是否恰当、除了床戏,剧情是否也有可看性。都是影响因素。围绕大海展开的穿插叙事、随着剧情的推进,渐渐增强的OST也让床戏该来时来的一点也不觉得突兀。OSTPassion and romance真的太好听!