生死之间原名:Between Life and Death,
Provocative documentary following the doctors who can now interrupt, and even reverse, the process of death. Filmed over six months in the country's leading brain injury unit (Addenbooke's Hospital, Cambridge), it follows the journey of a man who, by only moving his eyes, is eventually asked if he wants to live or ***. Two other families are also plunged into the most ethically...
🐠 2014-06-09
我也想过如果要躺在床上一辈子 还不如死了 但真到了那个时候 人都会想活下去的吧 看的时候一直在想 开车真的要很小心…
浅草 2018-12-02
康文艺 2015-12-20
Dhamma Geek 2018-08-07
to plug or unplug, this is a quesion. 医学的进步和**问题手牵手。
Saber 2016-03-26
喘喘 2017-05-07
生死之间 (2010)弃疗是最严肃的词语
帅的不明显 2021-06-11
Thumos 2014-02-28
枕江居 2014-08-16
jty 2014-02-10
you will never know what decision you are gonna make when you personally are part of it.