忧伤的女神原名:Diva Dolorosa,
A heart-breaking film of incredible beauty! In this mesmerizing collage of silent Italian melodrama, found-footage filmmaker Peter Delpeut (Lyrical Nitrate) affectionately captures the spirit of the World War One-era cinema diva. In all-but-lost gems such as La donna nuda (1914), and Tigre reale (1916), superstars such as Lyda Borelli and Pina Menichelli portrayed heroines teet...
UrthónaD'Mors 2011-07-27
Zeitgeist Films is proud to present Delpeut’s stunningly experimental work in all its heaving bosomed, luridly tinted glory.[exaggerate,close up,filters,some kinda sexual position]
1 2010-09-12
字母君 2019-02-03
dodo鸭嘴兽 2012-07-14
I wasn’t meant for reality, but life came and found me.