罗伯特·弗罗斯特:一位与众人争吵的情人原名:Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World,又名罗伯特.弗罗斯特:一位与众人争吵的情人
By the time Clarke made a biopic on Robert Frost for public television, he was a long-celebrated American institution. Though featuring him accepting the Congressional Gold Medal from President Kennedy at the White House, Clarke lingers on the 88-year-old poet busily ambling about his house and property in Vermont and intersperses this with relaxed talks to students at Sarah La...
[Deleted] 2019-10-13
Quote:”lovers quarrel with the world, in pursuing his perceptions of reality.” 罗伯特·弗罗斯特演讲的睿智可以让纪录片放弃时空的剪辑(真实记录/告知),并可见演讲/音乐会纪录片所具有的多视角、行动为核心所突显的个人魅力;
:D 2020-04-12
墨小侠 2012-07-21
这样的 电影 怎么找 也找不到啊啊啊啊啊....
OreoEmpanada 2013-10-03
天才** 2015-05-13