生活与债务原名:Life and Debt,又名Life and Debt、命与债
Life and Debt is a feature-length documentary which addresses the impact of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and current globalization policies on a developing country such as Jamaica. ****://***.lifeanddebt****/
阿达 2022-02-23
纪录片一般,但有句台词真好: when the natives see you, the tourist, they envy you. They envy your own ability to leave your own banality and boredom. They envy your ability to turn their own banality and boredom into a source of pleasure for yourself. 想起了以前在****国家旅游的日子,有时的确有这种惴惴不安。
DustyDopamine 2022-01-16
抓狂的伊小妮 2012-08-30
不知道这个条目是谁加的……主演是“牙买加民众”? 噗……
袜皮 2014-03-29
陀思妥曼妥思 2012-03-26
english writing课上放这部电影时大家基本都在各想各的,我脑子里的话是天啊我这辈子是再也听不懂黑人口音了
lOoK At mE 2022-11-08
whatever 2016-03-20
疾走 2012-11-15
"All the food you are eating was shipped from Miami." A lot to think about. Watched in Wall Street class.
XD 2022-09-26
贺子韶 2020-12-24
补一下 看完跟一个德国号称自己觉得****不错的小哥聊了几句,他坚定认为自由贸易有利无害并最后说出了殖民有益…