"But the general idea is that they try to get us all confused and scared and sore at each other, and then before you know it, clamp, the handcuffs are on us."
"truly provocative in that it was one of Hollywood's few forays into imagining the possibility of homegrown American Fascism and the crucial damage which can be done to individual rights when inhumane and tyrannical ideas sweep a society through a charismatic leader"
马西嘿嘿嘿 2012-01-12
dinosaurs 2017-03-21
杨浦小囡 2017-05-20
2046小马 2020-02-11
Février 2021-04-20
"But the general idea is that they try to get us all confused and scared and sore at each other, and then before you know it, clamp, the handcuffs are on us."
秦诺诺 2011-08-04
幽静绿野 2011-10-23
littleBea 2023-06-25
HurryShit 2015-01-28
"truly provocative in that it was one of Hollywood's few forays into imagining the possibility of homegrown American Fascism and the crucial damage which can be done to individual rights when inhumane and tyrannical ideas sweep a society through a charismatic leader"
西番茄 2015-05-04
( ̄、 ̄) 跟公民凯恩的故事很像啊。*楼里的妈妈、单相思的红粉知己等母题在希区柯克的电影里都有运用