牧场原名:The Ranch,又名美女牧场
Susan Seidelman directed this made-for-***** comedy-drama about a few days in the lives of a group of "working girls" in Reno, Nevada. "The Ranch" is a legally operated brothel that operates the careful watch of state health inspectors (who insist on weekly medical checkups) and the semi-benevolent leadership of Mary (Amy Madigan), the *******. While the women on staff don't ha...
decidels 2014-04-10
四条鱼 2018-03-29
BullshitArtist 2018-07-08
好感人 一句话总结就是众生皆苦 每一个人都有自己的故事 Kim一直默默爱着Emily 不告白反而更深层 shayna最后还是没有结婚后回到ranch 感动又唏嘘 Taylor的前夫悄悄带着女儿搬家了 最后那个在空房间哭的镜头让人心疼 这部片颜值很高 北美的妞一个比一个好看!
小波咔嚓 2012-03-10