我是加百列原名:I Am Gabriel,又名诺镇天使
An unforgiving sun, a parched earth, and a failed economy have left a small Texas town desolate. For ten years Promise, Texas has known nothing but one curse after another. It's barren, broken, and dying, leaving a town full of despair. When a couple finds a boy walking along a dusty road, alone in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a mat tucked under his arm, they pick hi...
隐君子 2022-12-15
正太带着“God”的任务下凡帮助普通人的故事。 正太好看,感觉就是传教片 后面翅膀展现出来的时候,一股尴尬喷涌而出 (1:33:40)
阿D还在战斗中 2015-02-07
盐二熊 2015-03-26
R 2015-07-20
“我是 大天使加百列!”剧情太扯淡了 这也能行 拍摄也像伪纪录片 全程啃啃小男孩的颜就行啦 作为传教片的话 是失败的(。
cherrypie 2015-02-05
襄桓 2016-02-02
我毒舌怪我喽? 2015-02-11