** I started snl because of jimmy fallon. so '98 season on, but i didn't stop in '04 because i idiolize tina. and this is bringing everything back: all the best sketches, characters and ** nerdy years of trying desperately to understand every politically correct/incorrect joke.
Pitamakan 2015-02-17
看这秀四年 专门建了文件夹snl占挂掉的硬盘60多G 为它写了一篇***** 记住了一堆乱七八糟梗和黄暴段子 随口能哼上几句诸如d*ck in the box等神曲 练就一身comedian认脸游戏好本领 三小时看的又哭又捶桌的像中二患者是没意义也是有意义。
vanvan 2015-02-19
虽然*看很辛苦 但是比起春晚有趣得多
二番煎じ 2015-02-18
jo 2015-02-17
** I started snl because of jimmy fallon. so '98 season on, but i didn't stop in '04 because i idiolize tina. and this is bringing everything back: all the best sketches, characters and ** nerdy years of trying desperately to understand every politically correct/incorrect joke.
touya 2015-04-12
Laura13 2015-02-16
我真是太爱这样的大趴梯了 看到那么多真爱小段子都出现了不能更满足 顺便瞄了眼rolling stone的排名啥的 反正就 bill和fred永远是我的最爱嘤嘤 同时 mark加入字幕组三年了
W I l l 2015-02-21
手指 2015-03-08
好好好 我们都知道lorne michaels了不起
Evil ******* 2015-07-12
子酉 2015-02-26