Love for Sale with Rupert Everett
Prostitutes are often seen as either immoral individuals or exploited victims. Rupert Everett uncovers the real story of the *** industry, going behind the stereotypes to hear the unvarnished truth from *** workers and their clients.
Karo 2014-09-14
找Rupert Everett来做这个专题也真是算会找人,他的语调有时不自觉的seduction。荷兰***妹子观察人的能力堪比福尔摩斯,有人觉得prostitution是选择,有人觉得是别无选择。第二集其实更多展现的是kinky的部分。总体比较宽泛。Rupert最放松的是采访Russell那段,两个话痨
纠结咪 2015-04-25
J.Barry 2015-05-05
sarah🇺🇦 2016-07-31
quite insightful, accompanied with a good sense of humour...(Ch4 is really good at/keen on this type of docs...// "How many of these dinners before someone has a fucking orgasm?!",哈哈哈哈~~就跟Tinder date和Grindr date對比那個一樣啊。。。
Euphoria 2017-07-10
当初你年少负气 2015-06-25
小同 2017-02-09
Rupert Everett的勇气让我敬佩,他的思想与我的有共鸣