oh im so full i guess ill have some cheese. maybe this will make me hungry. its either that or feel ** feelings;nothing tasets better than thin-i can think of 1000 things-ill just imagine there is salt on the fries;the south will never rise again coz they dont have the energy;they could find kale cures cancer and ill stick with chemo;吐槽海鲜笑死了snot fr
抖啊抖 2019-01-24
可能因為看得時候太睏了覺得這場一般 胖了好多啊又沒少吃 “結婚的人覺得自己有皇位要繼承 Bring thy wallet”Fine china that needs to be clean by a white kitten "People in the South are nicer. Even when they're rude, they're like, 'Y'all can go to Hell.' 'Why, thank you. You, too.' "You want us to shoot at you while you eat it?""Is that extra?"寧願化療也不吃Kale和宛若肺癆的牡蠣 另外真的很喜歡看他彷彿踩在刀尖上一般非常勉強地在舞台上厘米式蠕动
滕子京 2016-08-30
以他的段子为种子,订阅了一个pandora station。从此基本他每个秀每个段子都听熟了,还是好逗
张华弥 2019-09-23
Marci 2016-07-24
theme:eating, food, ewww... obsessed
P-nutButterFry 2014-05-03
虾坨坨艺仔 2016-09-24
日落可以慢半拍 2018-11-17
oh im so full i guess ill have some cheese. maybe this will make me hungry. its either that or feel ** feelings;nothing tasets better than thin-i can think of 1000 things-ill just imagine there is salt on the fries;the south will never rise again coz they dont have the energy;they could find kale cures cancer and ill stick with chemo;吐槽海鲜笑死了snot fr
抖啊抖 2019-01-24
可能因為看得時候太睏了覺得這場一般 胖了好多啊又沒少吃 “結婚的人覺得自己有皇位要繼承 Bring thy wallet”Fine china that needs to be clean by a white kitten "People in the South are nicer. Even when they're rude, they're like, 'Y'all can go to Hell.' 'Why, thank you. You, too.' "You want us to shoot at you while you eat it?""Is that extra?"寧願化療也不吃Kale和宛若肺癆的牡蠣 另外真的很喜歡看他彷彿踩在刀尖上一般非常勉強地在舞台上厘米式蠕动
momo 2021-02-07