lobrong is ** freaking replacement? so glad you have a place you can return to. one must learn how to live in style n be practical at the same time, some devil thinks ppl who live by the trash is the trash well, they are wrong, their brain need a big fixing up, they ought to know better, im still waiting for some exciting moment.
林昂 2017-04-07
Gosling全程開啟震動模式 從頭笑場到尾 太逗了
RealityBites 2015-12-12
高司令你个笑场王,不是笑得停不下来就是在努力憋笑,笑点这么低估计是演不了喜剧了吧,哈哈,在段子一般的情况下这基本是本集最大的萌点了。wink wink wiggle wiggle,最后的圣诞naughty elf太可爱啦*****.
Iberian 2015-12-11
高司令笑场真是个非常有感染力,看到笑场,不好笑的都好笑了。他要不是谢幕最后一句是Eva, I love you,我都忘了他俩在一起了。现在越来越觉得所有WU的嘉宾和Michael Che的主要任务就是逗Colin
沃里克大街 2017-10-28
Raison d'Être 2015-12-07
**站街男孩 2015-12-09
wink wink wiggle wiggle 最后那个圣诞**小精灵的段子高司令实在是太可爱了忍不住要打他**
大白臉WC15 2015-12-19
🍄 2022-08-02
lobrong is ** freaking replacement? so glad you have a place you can return to. one must learn how to live in style n be practical at the same time, some devil thinks ppl who live by the trash is the trash well, they are wrong, their brain need a big fixing up, they ought to know better, im still waiting for some exciting moment.
\t^h/ 2017-09-22
居然还没有人找他演Gene Wilder传记,笑场感觉都这么像
下辈子再努力吧 2016-10-18
美国的高司令在歌颂加拿大><。蓝色圣诞节。1980太老。高音这个笑点是从这里get的吗 太可爱了!唱歌跳舞太棒了嗷嗷嗷 只是怎么没脱衣*啊!!!后面的oz也是,好可爱哦QAQ。对notebook是不是有什么偏见?克鲁尼的模仿只有不断的摇头。最后的圣诞老人这段太污了,高司令捡肥皂啦