Nice topic, forced story; decent cinematography, ***** art direction. The director still needs quite a bit of work and tries not to be one of those stereotypical Chinese director who likes to pile up unfortunate events for no good reason besides audience's sympathy
异形 2014-11-09
逆铭睡眼惺忪地 2014-11-09
太辛酸了 ****://v.qq****/detail/w/wbxao6c6sy7x63h.html
LAVIE 2016-09-18
Nice topic, forced story; decent cinematography, ***** art direction. The director still needs quite a bit of work and tries not to be one of those stereotypical Chinese director who likes to pile up unfortunate events for no good reason besides audience's sympathy
哟 2015-06-17
punkin 2015-08-20
对于社会的警示作用 还是非常有深刻意义的
帖拉索伊朵 2015-05-29
孜然一身 2015-07-04
L.John 2016-04-07
邓一南37 2015-11-27
最后的**帽子 反着飘在水面更有意思
未来有限事务所 2015-05-28