汤姆·戴利:金牌之梦原名:Tom Daley: Diving For Gold,
*** Daley: Diving For Gold, a one-off documentary from independent production company Twofour about the Olympic diver’s professional and personal life in the **** years between the 2012 games and the upcoming Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. Diving For Gold follows Daley as he embarks on the next chapter of his career under new coach Jane Figueiredo, as he challenges for gold i...
游荡 2016-08-02
chuchu 2016-08-06
雖說這紀錄片就是個宣傳片,觀點頗狹隘. 但我覺得裡頭的感情是很真摯的:)
硬搞 2016-08-07
iPhone X 2016-08-06
崔始源 2022-09-22
终究是窝巢的背景板罢了 哈哈哈哈我还以为他里约夺冠了 结果哦是大包呀 咋忘了呢 连决赛都没进?
面白饭Θ☉Θ 2017-01-29
同志亦凡人中文站 2016-08-02
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-08-11
「I hated the dive. If u say what has been the scariest moment in your life and I would just literally say everytime I stood up on that board to do that dive.」「He said, u know I think I'm going to try and learn new dive. It was like he is falling in love with his sport again.」
bohegao 2021-08-12
Janne 2016-08-08