狂野之美:国家公园探险原名:National Parks Adventure,
Narrated by Academy Award® winner Robert Redford, National Parks Adventure takes audiences on the ultimate off-trail adventure into the nation’s awe-inspiring ***** outdoors and untamed wilderness. Immersive IMAX® 3D cinematography takes viewers soaring over red rock canyons, hurtling up craggy mountain peaks and into other-worldly realms found within America’s most legendary o...
Specified 2019-02-21
简直美到窒息!了解到美国一个伟大的总统西奥多·罗斯福(对美国森林保护的贡献),还有这位酷爱自然的诗人的一句话——It is not what we have that will make us a ***** nation. It is the way in which we use it.(并不是我们所拥有的造就了一个伟大的国家,而是我们利用我们利用其的方式。)
时间mo法 2021-10-12
中国科技馆巨幕影院IMAX GT 3D 15/70胶片
__雲淡風輕. 2016-12-10
** favorite movie in 2016. In National Museum Of Natural History.
钢筋工钢筋 2021-12-09
海报捏他Friedrich那幅Wanderer above the Sea of Fog捏得好啊imean多么令人动容的奇迹🥺。。。美得我哭泣
黄小苗 2016-06-18
之前还做过John Muir的研究,他的努力真的很伟大啊。
如虎添翼 2021-10-24
标本师库特 2021-08-15
肥嘟嘟左卫门 2018-03-25
哦米葛 2020-11-29
Ben笨熊 2024-03-23