know the truth and know where you stand, face it strongly & happily,live with it and serve as who you are & what you love. what happened to you is never special...there are always lots of people has been and will be where you play the **** you are already in, focus on the destination , but enjoy the whole journey not the destination.
IwishIwould 2019-01-08
Freddie Steinmark 一个英年早逝 年仅22岁的 阳光的 努力的灵魂。很正能量的片子。他的正能量感染了我,努力,然后继续努力。小有成就,梦想着nfl,然后梦碎了,不仅仅是眼前的绵羊杯,人生都即将划上句号。如果让我取译名,我会选择,弗雷迪的22岁。如果按英文直译,我会叫我的全明星男孩。2019.06
。。。。 2019-05-03
SX 2018-05-11
天妒英才 真可惜 演的真够热血 也够热泪盈眶
Shelia :) 2019-02-05
宅拾叁 2018-05-30
新的成长 2018-11-24
囍囍 2019-11-09
恰若初见 2019-10-24
know the truth and know where you stand, face it strongly & happily,live with it and serve as who you are & what you love. what happened to you is never special...there are always lots of people has been and will be where you play the **** you are already in, focus on the destination , but enjoy the whole journey not the destination.
大白臉WC15 2019-08-19
等等吧 2017-09-13
前面剧情太拖沓 看到后面故事还是很震撼的 生活有这么多未知 能够过着和平健康的一天就足以