Won't you come in e and have a nice cool glass of buttermilk? In all fairness,I'very got to tell you something. l don't believe in marriage. But I just asked you in for some buttermilk. Well,I didn't wanna drink it under false pretenses. We don't really have any buttermilk.either😇
优杉 2023-10-02
lessspicykiss 2022-11-09
煎个圆 2023-04-12
Won't you come in e and have a nice cool glass of buttermilk? In all fairness,I'very got to tell you something. l don't believe in marriage. But I just asked you in for some buttermilk. Well,I didn't wanna drink it under false pretenses. We don't really have any buttermilk.either😇
玉米饼子 2022-12-01
歌舞片嘛当然是开开心心咯!Doris Day唱歌真的好甜!!!
okcomputer 2019-05-15
Doris Day马拉松第二站,又是跟大脸男合演地低成本华纳歌舞片,挺好看地其实,就是五十年代地价值观略头疼。
张多拉 2020-02-15
I’m forever blowing bubbles,Pretty bubbles in the air.