There is a reason why rich ppl become rich, just take some time looking at their kids. Most of them are quite rational and nice and they are focused on what they really wanna do. Especially EJ, EJ is amazing, he has very clear boundaries over lots of things.
yelloworange 2018-11-13
There is a reason why rich ppl become rich, just take some time looking at their kids. Most of them are quite rational and nice and they are focused on what they really wanna do. Especially EJ, EJ is amazing, he has very clear boundaries over lots of things.
喵喵肉瓣酱 2018-07-02
越看越喜歡Dorothy直接去ins關注了她 超喜歡她的衣品style,lifestyle 這是我喜歡的在美華裔girl的樣子!(最討厭網紅臉白富美
乔面鳝丝 2016-08-30
happy wedding,happy ending~一不小心成为豆瓣上第一个评价此季真人秀的人~
ミナミ 2017-10-05
✨FramozM✨ 2023-08-02
Cecilia 2022-07-16
waste of time; dorothy deserves better friends than manipulators and racists
pulp 2020-03-18
竟然看完了?) 四季下来最喜欢EJ了, 情商很高活得也很有目标 Jonny就是搅*棍吧... Morgan又自我又high maintenance 和Brendan的问题在准备婚礼期间就初现端倪 Dorothy在这群人里最easy going 但却还是难以找到真朋友...
saccharineeeee 2020-03-07
EJ真的超有魅力 自信 并且坚定地去**自己的路 Dorothy也一直在成长 不骄不躁 太喜欢她了 Morgan的婚礼搞了八集drama终于结成了 ** 姐妹俩也和好了****
曦悦 2022-11-26
ɢʟᴏʀɪᴀ. 2019-03-03