英国家庭烘培大赛 第七季在线观看和下载

英国家庭烘培大赛 第七季(2016)

演员: 梅尔·吉德罗伊茨 苏·帕金斯 玛丽·贝莉 Paul Hollywood




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《英国家庭烘培大赛 第七季》


英国家庭烘培大赛 第七季原名:The Great British Bake Off Season 7,

Episode 1: Cake  For the first challenge, the bakers were given two hours to make a drizzle cake, the brief being that the cake is moist and has a plentitude of drizzle sinking into the cake. For the technical challenge, the bakers were instructed to make Mary's recipe for twelve jaffa cakes. The recipe used a whipped fatless sponge, orange jelly and tempered chocolate with a de...

潜入深水的鬼魂 2017-05-13


fifi 2018-09-25

这个show***地方在于它不是靠dramatic取胜的。看起来有点吓人的Paul其实也有很可爱的一面。我一直很讶异tent里的大家不论输赢都永远保持positive的心态,大概是因为可爱幽默又关心选手的主持人Mel&Sue,专业却又不高高在上的评审Mary&Paul。好喜欢Val离场时说的这段话:When you bake, you always bake for a reason. And you're giving it to people, so you make it the best you can, and you make it with love. Whenever I make anything, I stir love into it, I knead love into it, so when I present it, it's special.

年上党怎么办 2017-06-05

好河蟹好**的真人秀比赛~ 每个人都很好的感觉,比赛就跟点心一样细腻的甜。学习到了好多好多的点心和蛋糕,非常赞

Lara 2022-12-21

喜欢Andrew、但Candice和Jane也都棒棒哒、和谐有爱的一季。此后再也没有Mel、Sue和Mary Berry了、真是舍不得。

Zooey 2020-12-07


Z 2018-05-15


闫西澳哈哈哈哈 2020-08-15

Whenever i make anything,I stir love into it,I knead love into it,so when I present it ,It's special

郁风均 2022-01-25


栗子味儿的🦔 2017-04-24


wata_watako 2019-03-31

这一季很多瓜又是明星阵容的,比如Benjamina和Selasi中间一定关系有**过,Jane每次做甜点都手忙脚乱满脸通红, 最后一集才知道她是事业家庭兼顾的好妈妈(自己是园林景观设计师),Candice长的超级像权游小辣椒,每集被种草唇色...Andrew小雀斑也是高材生兼***...在bake off才能看到无关职业无关年龄无关性别的热爱本身真的好燃啊!!!厨房**最高!