The merger between cinematic language and traditional African narrative forms is taken even further in Jom, the Story of a People (Senegal 1982) by Ababacar Samb Makharam. The film presents an epic overview of the history of Senegal within the structure of a tale told by a griot. Griots are the itinerant poets and musicians of Senegal who has the responsibility of recounting an...
暂时被** 2020-09-23
80年代**电影。塞内加尔。阿巴巴卡尔 桑布-马哈拉姆。较不面向大众的电影主要来自说法语的国家。70、80年代电影节上放映的黑**电影,昭示着通往后殖民电影的途径。反复出现的主题:传统与现代、乡村与城市、本土知识与西化教育、集体价值观与个人偏好。作品显示了西方电影制作惯例,以及对**美学传统的探索之间的**交互作用。最重要的传统之一是口述故事:让讲故事的人作为一个全知叙述者。无资源