学徒:家政女皇原名:The Apprentice: Martha Stewart,
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart is a spin-off from the American reality television series The Apprentice that ran in the fall of 2005. Broadcast on NBC, the show featured business tycoon Martha Stewart. Tasks were centered around Stewart's areas of expertise: *****, culinary arts, entertaining, decorating, crafts, design, merchandising, and style. The tone of the show was somewh...
xoxonastygal 2012-10-16
我看完之后去查了一下他们后来的发展,真是有意思。leslie变成了政治发言人,ryan最近在上amazing race, marcela有了自己的做菜tv show,Bethenny感觉好像是所有人中混的最好的,成功上位。不知道dawna最后在ms这里到底好不好。