周六夜现场 第三十季原名:Saturday Night Live Season 30,又名周末夜现场、SNL
Saturday Night Live had its thirtieth season on the 2004-2005 television season on NBC. The thirtieth season began on October 2, 2004 and ended on May 21, 2005 with 20 episodes in all. Before the start of this season, Jimmy Fallon left the show. In the wake of his departure, Fred Armisen was promoted to repertory status, while Finesse Mitchell and Kenan Thompson remained featur...
Zugzwang 2023-02-05
梦之季 库彻跟裘德洛颜值巅峰时期 U2现场表演Vertigo 爷青回
树下的木肖 2020-03-15
EasyRevenge 2024-01-02
资源暂时缺少所以只记录有看的集数: 3✓,4✓,5✓,6✓,8✓,9✓,10✓,12✓,13✓。 这时期的段子政治性都好强好明显哈哈哈毫不隐晦…于是对于当时美时政不了解就很难理解笑点…/Amy Seth和Amy Tina都好萌!大吃特吃!/发现Bill很多表演形式很像这时期的Fred哈哈哈不知道是学习了对方还是有共同的老师~/再一次,amy怎么没和seth在一起!怎么没在一起!怎么没!!!(尖叫)