暴露原名:Exposé,又名House on Straw Hill
Paul Martin (Kier) is a paranoid novelist who rents out a secluded cottage in the British countryside in order to complete his new book, a pretentious *** romp. He has split with his girlfriend Suzanne (Richmond) and is having problems writing his book. To do the typing for him, he employs a secretary, Linda Hindstatt (Hayden), whom he meets at the railway station. A couple of ...
Revivable 2022-05-01
女友干完就离去,作家无奈寻小蜜。 车站接人被硬撩,一个揍俩显神力。 安排打字担起居,嘱其作息很规律。 小蜜卧室瘾上头,作家楼下威士忌。 **被强一喷二,若无其事归家去。 家里作家真**,趁其不在翻东西。 某日小蜜谋私心,劝走老太行诡计。 作家醉躺蜜点烟,恍惚之间真恐惧。 老太偷回被解决,蜜衣透明引**。 求爱被拒唤女归,却被小蜜把他绿。 女友被杀浴室中,作家车开到沟里。 归来二人算总账,原来首作是抄袭。 作家持枪蜜拿刀,互相追逐到麦地。 **未死刀拾起,刺死小蜜真诡异。 事了只余剽窃犯,且书结尾小蜜续。 **电影未**,观者唏嘘剧情毕。
Keith Lee 2022-01-23
这么近,那么远 2023-05-13
“Paul Martin (Kier) is a paranoid novelist who rents out a secluded cottage in the British countryside in order to complete his new book, a pretentious *** romp. He has split with his girlfriend Suzanne (Richmond) and is having problems writing his book. To do the typing for him, he employs a secretary, Linda Hindstatt (Hayden), whom he meets ……”.
闲云野鹤 2023-12-10
choral哈 2022-01-23
迷影 2021-02-08
中字 BGM不错 老cult 六七十年代的**风格