挪威之子原名:Sønner av Norge,又名摇摆天体营(台)、Sons of Norway
SONS OF NORWAY is an energetic film about revolt, punk rock, suburban hell and the eternal struggle between freaks and punks. And it's not least a touching story of an unusual father-son relationship, and about the strength of the bonds we sometimes do our best to rip apart. Written by Kim Pham
豆友2174522 2014-08-03
私~川流 2012-05-08
口味有点重呢,群*什么的。punk还是naturalism还是别的,到底什么是真实什么是清醒。Everything is ****. So everything is possible.另外还有很不一样的父爱。还有男主角“have the eyes of cat, who are born to be cuddled”。结尾有风雪和跳舞,美极。
Orange 2013-06-26
衝著John Lydon去看的,結果戲份只有三十秒_(:3」∠)_ 忽略莫名其妙的結局(是叫大家不要亂**嗎) 嬉皮老爸+龐克正太兒子的組合非常萌。。。
Juniper 2012-06-12
blackdog 2013-04-09
地球包围外星人 2012-08-09