狼人原名:Bisclavret,2011年动画、短片类型片,创作于**地区,具有法语语言版本。由Émilie Mercier执导,并由Émilie Mercier任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2011公映。
"Bisclavret" ("The Werewolf") is one of the twelve Lais of Marie de France written in the 12th century. Originally written in French, it tells the story of a werewolf who is trapped in lupine form by the treachery of his wife. The tale was popular and was reworked as The Lay of Melion, and is probably referenced in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur.
说了我是黑无常 2015-10-24
彩绘玻璃画风太适合描绘中世纪背景略阴森的黑童话了。料到了背叛狼人的妻子不会善终但没料到是和**一起幸福地流放,而且……啊咧咧咧结局竟然国王和狼人从此过上幸福生活这样地基了起来?15.10.24 @北京**文化中心
野原美伢 2014-10-25
Flwo_Ops 2021-12-09
看过原版的故事 没想到动画版是最还原的 ***皮囊可能隐藏着**的心 和中国传统观念一样 善有善报 恶有恶报 不过对妻子和****的惩罚似乎弱了一些
stellarrrrr 2016-06-10