外国佬滚出去!原名:Ausländer raus! - Schlingensiefs Container,又名Foreigners out! Schlingensiefs Container
FOREIGNERS OUT! SCHLINGENSIEFS CONTAINER is a thrilling, insightful, funny chronicle and reflection of one of he biggest public pranks and acts of art terrorism ever committed. Austria 2000: Right after the FPÖ under Jörg Haider had become part of the government, the first time an extreme right wing ***** became state officials after WW2, infamous German shock director Christop...
ErsHuuuu 2021-09-14
Dulcixote 2022-04-12
讲的是德国佬对奥地利内政指手画脚的一部大作 please love austria! first european coalition week(大作原来是叫first european concentration week,迫于**压力改成了coalition,怎么讲,感觉更黑了==
Algiersea 2022-11-23